Painting Crusade 8 (2011) event coverage
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 22:18
For this edition of Painting Crusade the organizers had to choose a new location, located in Jette (Brussels). Not as atmospheric as the previous one (an old church) but it suited the event very well I think. On the ground floor there was a second hand shop and the painting competition. This room also offered a view on the basement, where retailers and painters where occupying some tables. Special guests of this edition included Julien Casses and Raffaele Picca, who both had some impressive pieces on display. The event might seem a bit too small for some people, but I went there to see well painted miniatures, so I wasn't disappointed at all.
It's a two day event, but I only visited it on Saturday, together with my old-time painting comrade Jasper. It was calm, but the amount of miniatures (and especially the quality) entered in the painting competition was very impressive. After a quick first glance at those I spent some time at the second hand tables, buying some Rackham miniatures. Then we descended into the basement. Few retailers were there, I bought some wooden display bases there and a set of skulls by Fenryll. After checking out the guest display we went back upstairs and spent the rest of our time looking at the miniatures entered in the competition.
Like I already said the level was very high, the masters category was stuffed full, but the other entries also looked very good. I recognized quite a lot of entries from the last German Games Day, and some from CoolMiniOrNot or blogs like Massive Voodoo. Too bad I couldn't come back on Sunday and check who won, because the jury must have had a very hard time deciding!
Now let the pictures speak for themselves...

It's a two day event, but I only visited it on Saturday, together with my old-time painting comrade Jasper. It was calm, but the amount of miniatures (and especially the quality) entered in the painting competition was very impressive. After a quick first glance at those I spent some time at the second hand tables, buying some Rackham miniatures. Then we descended into the basement. Few retailers were there, I bought some wooden display bases there and a set of skulls by Fenryll. After checking out the guest display we went back upstairs and spent the rest of our time looking at the miniatures entered in the competition.
Like I already said the level was very high, the masters category was stuffed full, but the other entries also looked very good. I recognized quite a lot of entries from the last German Games Day, and some from CoolMiniOrNot or blogs like Massive Voodoo. Too bad I couldn't come back on Sunday and check who won, because the jury must have had a very hard time deciding!
Now let the pictures speak for themselves...
Some awesome looking minis there! Think my favorite if the Tau Battlesuit on the ruined Elysian Sentinel!
Pretty damn awesome. I'm a gamer first though I spend more time painting. One day I gotta do a model to maximum standard complete with fancy custom base and enter one of these big contests just to see how I do.
Lots of large scale models, I prefer painting man-sized 28mm or 25mm models, though I paint vehicles pretty well, it just sucks my life away...
I do a nice HQ about once or twice a year.
I was there. The painters were not real humans. :)
We all can only be envious that you could see those cool minis, and we could not.
Thanks for the report, Gerrie!
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