Two months
Friday, March 12, 2010 11:40
It's been about two months since I touched a paintbrush for the last time, as well as writing on this blog. I planned to take a short pause, something like two weeks, after finishing my Deathwing Terminators. But the pause turned into a two month hiatus because of some private things I had to take care of. First of all I bought a new house; we don't have the keys yet, but there's a lot of things to take care of. The plan is to move in this summer. And yes, there will be a dedicated painting room :) On top of that my kids have been ill most of the time. Nothing serious, just some seasonal colds, but it really soaks up your energy. Because of this I was having some problems getting into the painting mood again.
But the last week I have been gathering some inspiration and motivation again and decided I will soon return to the painting desk. As usual the Massive Voodo blog was a great source for inspiration. Remember the ball-painting competition I mentioned some time ago? Well both the entries and winners have been announced last week. Some great stuff there, very creative.
I also returned to my usual second home on the web: the Chest of Colors forums. I didn't really have time to catch up with all the recent posts, but one thing that drew my attention was Scibor's Dwarf king painted by YellowOne. This is one epic piece of painting and probably one of my favorite pieces so far.
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