WIP: suffer canvas?
Sunday, February 20, 2011 21:39Running the name of my latest project (Souffre Toile) through Google Translate it translates to "Suffer Canvas". I don't know if this is completely correct, but one thing's for sure: this isn't a very easy mini to paint :) Lots of tiny details and hard to reach areas... but it will look very good in the end, I'm sure.
You might notice (from the previous post) the arm carrying the staff is gone, it broke off while handling the mini right after priming it. Not a real problem, since I was somewhat regretting having the arm already attached, since it would have been hindering my brush when working on a lot of areas. So far the skin and the robe is done...

Wheres that mini from mate?
Talk about a challenging mini, he's looking mighty fine so far though!
@ GunGrave - think she's an old mini from Rackham.
the robe looks good, I like the smooth higlights there. But I think the skin need some more work, like some purple mid tones, especially on her face.
Wainting for the finished product:)
hi! i 'm happy to see that Souffre toile that i sculpt for Rackham receive your painting
Looks good so far. I'm watching this with great interest. ;-)
You didn't pin the arms?
So glad to know that you sculpted that, Stephane. I've added the credit to my site.
@underthemountain no I didn't pin it... like some other Rackham figures the arms are so tiny that you risk ruining it when pinning
Souffre-toile would rather be translated into "Suffering Spider's web", for this mini is intended to be half a spider...
Great work, waiting for the completed mini !
i have the same model assembled on my desk waiting for for painting
hope to see the progress quickly ^^
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