One more Zombie WIP & Painting Crusade reminder
Friday, February 4, 2011 19:42First of all a reminder if you live in or near Belgium: don't forget it's Painting Crusade this weekend. Two days filled with some of the best miniature painting art, a painting competition, second hand market, painting demos by Jullien Casses and Raffa Picca, ... what more do you want? Place to be is Le centre Armillaire de Jette in Brussels. If you plan to go drop me a line so we can meet up! If you can't make it be sure to stay tuned for an extensive report of the event. Check the site for more info:
Although I had very little time to paint last week, I made good progress on the Zombie Pirate. Here's a quick WIP shot from my desk, it isn't the best picture (flash went off) but I think it shows the NMM on the sword which I'm quite pleased with.

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