Cloud backdrops for your miniature photographs
Friday, April 16, 2010 22:46
Available for download, in a selection of colors, images which you can use as a backdrop for your miniature photographs. I'm planning to put up a similar set of classic gradients very soon.

Be sure to put the bright spot behind the figure for a very nice effect.

Be sure to put the bright spot behind the figure for a very nice effect.

w00t! Thanks Gerrie!
Awesome backgrounds! I've been looking for something else to use. Thanks very much for sharing them!
Thanks this are beautiful and simple THANKS
These are totally Ace! Thanks for putting them up.
Awesome- thanks!
This is perfect! I'm definitely going to try making a photo-box with your previous post and these backgrounds! Thanks for sharing!
The sepia one doesnt seem to load??
EXCELLENT! Thanks much for those. I was wondering if you might do a purple version. If you did, these would work fantastic for Malifaux pics as you'd have all five colors of the factions. I really don't mean to be a douche. Just curious. Thanks much for your generosity with your work and knowledge.
Perfact collection. I wish it had more resolution
You should do the white balance in your camera before taking the photo, the camera detects a diferent light temperature when you change your background. Use a white paper as background for it and then save the config of the balance or you will have very rare and diferent colors in all your pics.
(sorry about my english)
Hey I just learned what a backdrop was. I am new to making photos of minis. You seem to know what you are doing so I am downloading your sweet backdrop images. Nice blog you have going here. Cheers!
Thank you very much for these - they've been very useful indeed.
These backdrops are almost the same as the ones that I bought from Aura Backdrops. They are very useful for me.
I used one of your backdrops for a set of pictures of my shiny new Chaos Defiler, and they came out really well. Thank you for sharing. The pictures are here: if you fancy a look.
what miniature is this where can i find it
Thanks a lot mate, took your idea of lightbox and those backgrounds. It made a big difference. check two photos of chaos sorcerer, much better! Thanks again!
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