Finished Mantic Undead vs Elf vignette
Saturday, May 1, 2010 19:29
Pretty pleased about the end result, especially because I didn't put that much time in. I don't think I spent more than 10 hours on it. Ok, it's not the best paintjob in the world, but I painted it up just for fun.

Don't sell yourself short man, it looks great. I really like the bone (skelly & doggy) as compared to like GW bleached bone, it looks much more weathered & realistic.
Very nice diorama, especially taking into account the amount of time you spent working on it. I've never been a big fan of Mantic minis but it looks like one get actually get something out of this sculpts with solid painting.
Very nice diorama. I've never been a big fan of Mantic minis but it looks like one get actually get something out of them with solid painting.
Excellent job. Love Mantic Minis. Like the way you have done the skeleton bones.
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